Max Cavalera Signature Series Reaper Electric Guitar


ROOTS.. BLOODY ROOTS!!!! A guitar from the tribal hardcore band Sepultura’s vocalist guitarist Max Cavalera. Camouflage hardcore guitar customized to suits Max personality.

See Max reaction to this guitar:

Musician’s Friend also has their take on this Repear Guitar:

Get your tribal hardcore grooves grooving by clicking on this link and grab the guitar!!!

Purchase it here:

James Hetfield Signature Snakebyte Electric Guitar


Customized James Hetfield ESP Guitar! Very Metallica Black Guitar. Almost can hear all Metallica riffs and tunes just looking at the design of this guitar. Yeah its got that James Hetfield kinda attitude! Aggressive, Black and Loud!

Although can be mellow and melodic with plucking tunes, as seen here in this Musicians Friends review vid:

Well, get that James Hetfield vibe and grab the snakebite guitar!

Purchase it here:

Dean USA ML Rust From Hell – Limited Edition Dimebag Darrell Signature Guitar


Killer guitar from one of the heaviest hardcore guitarist in the world of heavy metal Dimebag Darell from Pantera. It looks like it has been customized as to portray to the riffs played by Dean Dimebag. Dimebag was a legend heavy metal rocker who had passed years back.

Check out Frog Leap Studios sampling this killer guitar and some reviews:

Grab this KILLER guitar now!!! for some killer riffs!!!
See the link below to get it online!

Purchase it here:

Epiphone Elitist 1965 Casino Electric Guitar, Vintage Sunburst


This guitar is more of a jazzy type feel. Reminds me of classic rock bands like Elvis Costelo and the likes. Also good for blues music. It is an F-hole and can function as an acoustic electric guitar. It is very vintage and authentic sounding.

Take a look and listen to Wildwood Guitar’s review:

Interested to get one? Proceed to the link below:

Guitar Bank

The concept “Guitar Bank” was born maybe 20 years ago. We were in a band and we had a jam practice studio with complete instruments. There was this old acoustic guitar, the first ever acoustic guitar I owned, that over the years, became unusable with no strings. It was then used as a piggy bank, where I put coins inside the guitar hole. And then eureka, one of our band members called it “Guitar Bank”. We thought of this name to be our band name but we did not. So after 20 years after, because of the rise of online technology, this idea came to name it after a blogging website which is now “Guitar Bank”. It will soon be blogging all about available online guitars and other musical instruments.

There, a brief history about this blog.


Alternutive = Alternative + Nut.

Alternative definition is a choice or existing outside the traditional. Nut is defined as a crazy or eccentric person, an enthusiast or a buff.

Alternutive is being a buff or an enthusiast  on choices or possibilites that are not the traditional.

In other words, going nuts with alternative stuff!!!!